Thursday, November 3, 2016

5 Thanksgiving Poems for Kids

Get your students ready for the holiday with these Five Thanksgiving Poems for Kids.  Yes, friends, Thanksgiving is just around the corner.  Time for turkey crafts, turkey facts for kids, turkey books, turkey songs and fingerplays, turkey math, turkey hunts, and, well.....I think you get the point! It's time to be thankful and learn all about turkeys. 

These Five Thanksgiving poems for kids can anchor your turkey lessons and activities in November.  The kids get caught up in the silliness, rhyme, and repetition of the poems, while you get caught up watching as they build their fluency and reading strategies.  
Five Little Turkeys is perfect for a Thanksgiving readers theater or group reading activity. Incorporate math, sequencing, and retelling with this fun printable turkey poem for kids. 

Turkey, turkey, look at you!  This is a silly turkey poem that is sure to get your kindergarten, first grade, and second grade students laughing while engaged in reading.

If you're looking for a printable Thankgiving song and fingerplay, Funny Bird is just what your need for your early readers. 
This Turkey Dinner poem for kids is near and dear to my heart!  My daughter sang this turkey dinner song during her preschool Thanksgiving program.  She belted out the turkey song as loud as her little self could.  (I bet you have no problem pointing her out.) This was such a crowd pleaser!

Saving the best for last, this Thanksgiving turkey hand print poem is perfect to send home as a parent keepsake. Paint your kiddos hand using the colors of your choice, let dry, then send home as a Thanksgiving gift for parents.

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