Monday, January 28, 2019

Groundhogs Day Poem for Kids

Make Groundhogs Day fun in the classroom with a Groundhog poem for kids pocket chart activity.  This printable build a poem engages kindergarten, first grade, and second grade students in an interactive reading experience.
Groundhogs Day for kids
Simply print the large word cards and I'm a Little Groundhog poem for a fun pocket chart poem.  You can have your early readers work together in a small group at a pocket chart center, or set the word cards out at a word work station.
Pocket chart poem for Groundhogs Day

I'm a Little Groundhog poem for kids
When setting up this Groundhog Build a Poem, hang the Groundhogs Day poem for kids at the top of the pocket chart.  You can place the word cards in a container, or mix them up at the bottom of the pocket chart.  Personally, I like to mix them up in the lower pockets.  This allows students to quickly see the words they are searching for when building the Groundhogs Day poem.

Groundhogs Day Build a Poem pocket chart center
Watch as these boys work together to build the Groundhogs Day poem for kids.  I'm a Little Groundhog can be used as a Groundhogs Day song for kids, and as an introduction to your Groundhogs lessons about Winter and Spring.  

Still not sure if Build a Poem is for you?  You can try a Build a Poem for FREE, just by signing up for my newsletter.  Sign up below to get your FREE printable nursery rhyme build a poem today!  

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